Restrictive Practices (Positive Behaviour Support)

Positive Behaviour Support and Restrictive Practices go hand in hand to ensure the most easeful, empowering and safe care strategies are implemented for our clients.

Safe Care Strategies for all

Positive Behaviour Support is a person focused, preventative approach that empowers the individual to achieve their goals and live as independently as possible. An effective Positive Behaviour Support Plan aims to reduce the need for Restrictive Practices whilst enhancing the person’s wellbeing.

The personalised Positive Behaviour Support Plan is a comprehensive roadmap to the individual. It highlights their needs, passions and prescribed ways to care for the person. We also include the signs of the person approaching a behaviour of concern and how to follow prompts to keep everyone safe.

The wellbeing of our clients and staff is of utmost priority to us and we implement Restrictive Practices where needed that might include seclusion, chemical restraint, mechanical restraint, physical restraint and environmental restraint in line with NDIS guidelines. An example of physical restraint might be holding a person to stop them from inflicting harm on themselves or others. Another example is locking potentially harmful items away like sharp objects which would be an example of environmental restraint.

Benefits of our Positive Behaviour Support Plans

Prioritises the individuals passions and regular daily activities
Empowers the individual with personalised strategies to enhance independence
Reviewed every 6 months to ensure it is relevant and beneficial
A preventative approach that reduces the need of Restrictive Practices
Smiling face badge held in the palm of someone's hands.
Community group in the park with Your Own Way.

Importance of Restrictive Practices

Ensures safety for the individual, their support circle and our staff
Halts further harm or elevation of heated scenarios
Only used as a last resort for the shortest time period possible
Pre-empted by the Positive Behaviour Support Plan to reduce the intensity of Restrictive Practices
Within these services we maintain regular links to all other stakeholders and care support teams. We also collect and maintain regular reports and notes whilst proactively observing where changes are needed. If you think this is a service that might bring ease to you or a loved one's well being, please reach out.

Ready to request support for restrictive practices?

Submit an enquiry with us today, so we can best support you in your journey as an NDIS participant.
Contact us today
Man in a wheelchair laughing with his ndis support services coordinator.